Video of Krishna's Visit to World Lit.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Interesting Information About Bhutan

Following are some of the intriguing things Krishan shared about Bhutan:

- People in Bhutan are required to wear the traditional Bhutanese attire at all times when in public. Men wear the "gho", which is a knee-length robe tied with a cloth sash called the "kera". Women wear an ankle-length dress known as the "kira".

- Most Bhutanese people who are seeking an education go to schools in India instead of in Bhutan. There, they are taught in English rather than the languages of India of Bhutan.

- Gross National Happiness is more important to the Bhutanese government than Gross National Product. They put the happiness of their people before making a profit.

-Only in the past decade did the king rescind the prohibition of television and the internet in Bhutan. Publicly, he expressed his hope that this would increase Bhutan's Gross National Happiness. However, he also said that he was worried it might negatively impact the traditional Bhutanese values of the people.

-The government of Bhutan is unique in that it cares more about the well-being of the Bhutanese people than in increasing its wealth or power. Therefore, until recently the government regulated foreign influences and limited the amount of tourism in Bhutan. The economy in Bhutan is more based on the Bhutanese culture and spirtiual values than in accumulating vast amounts of wealth and competing with other countries.

-The national sport is archery

-Majestic Bhuddist temples are located in the mountains of Bhutan

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